RedShift contains five books in HTML format. These are the
  • Dictionary of Astronomy
  • Photo Gallery
  • Record Breakers
  • RedShift Help manual
  • Astronomy tours
When any one of these books is opened, a new HTML browser window is opened within RedShift (the browser window is controlled by the RedShift program). An HTML browser is also opened if you access the RedShift Web site from the News section.

Each of the five books has its own window, and all five can be opened simultaneously. Links can be found in all the book which lead to any of the other books, or other RedShift features.

Each book has its own contents page which can be accessed from the Content button and history feature which allows you to revisit an earlier page.

Within the browser, a right click of the mouse brings up a context sensitive menu to allow you to perform actions such as copying images or text or copying shortcuts. The latter is useful if you are viewing pages from the Internet and you wish to open a link inside an independent browser (e.g. you usual Internet browser instead of RedShift).

Full details of how to use each of these books is given elsewhere in this manual.